mvmf: mvmcas man page

mvmf: mvmcas man page

MVMCAS(1)                   General Commands Manual                   MVMCAS(1)

       mvmcas - mvmf's mail client assessment server

       mvmcas [-C configuration-file] [-h hostname] [-T host[:[port]]] [-U host[:[port]]] [-v] [-x]

       mvmcas  is  a  server that is consulted by SMTP receivers (e.g., mvmtr).
       The server may provide hints about how to treat a mail client,  and  the
       SMTP  receiver (and other sources) may provide feedback about the behav-
       iour of a client.  mvmcas will adjust its hints according to  the  feed-
       back it gets.

       Options which may be given are as follows:

       -C configuration-file
              The name of a configuration file to use instead of the default.

       -h hostname
              The name of the local host.

       -T host[:[port]]
              Start a TCP service on the specified local host and port.

       -U host[:[port]]
              Start a UDP service on the specified local host and port.

       -v     prints  mvmcas's  version  number.   The version number has three
              decimal parts separated by periods: first a major version number,
              next a minor version number, and finally a fix number.   The  fix
              number  is incremented whenever a new version contains only fixes
              and enhancements to existing features.  The minor number  is  in-
              cremented  whenever a new facility or technique is added, and the
              major number is incremented when  enough  new  things  have  been
              added to consider it a major new edition of the program.  A major
              number  of  zero  (0)  indicates  a  prerelease version (one that
              doesn't yet include all its initial release features or that  may
              not yet be considered fully tested).

       -x     Increments the debugging level.

       The  operation  of  mvmcas  is documented in several pieces in different
       places - one piece  is  this  man  page  in  this  place,  providing  an
       overview.  Other documents give more details, for example the "PROTOCOL"
       document describes the format of messages sent to and from mvmcas.

       mvmcas engages in conversations about topics related to senders of  mail
       (or  "email,"  I  suppose.)  A  sender of email is known to mvmcas as an
       email client. There are several kinds of email clients:

       IPv4 address -
              an IPv4 address, or loosely refered to as an IP address,  identi-
              fies an entity on the Internet that sends email. "IP" may be used
              instead of "IPv4"

       auth name -
              the  name of that an entity uses for authentication. This name is
              the login name that is used in an SMTP AUTH dialog.  If  an  auth
              name is used, it becomes the responsible entity.

       domain name -
              the  name  of  the Internet domain implicated as the sender of an
              email message.

       Note that a mail client can be known by more than one  thing.  An  email
       message  can be associated with an IP address an and AUTH name and a do-
       main name. Information gathered during  a  conversation  with  an  email
       client  an  impact the assessment of each of those, perhaps in different
       ways or to different degrees.  A mail client name, regularly  called  an
       mcname,  is  referred  to  by  the compbination of its type and its name
       within that type. e.g. for  an  IP  address,  an  mcname  might  be  "IP" .

       In  typical mvmcas use, there is an entity, like an SMTP server, in com-
       munication with an email client and also consulting with mvmas.  We call
       the entity (the receiving SMTP server) an agent of the email client, and
       the email sender, as mentioned, an email client  or  a  "mclient"  as  a
       shorthand.   Any  given mclient may have connections, either to multiple
       agents or to the same agent. Each of these connections is an "occurance"
       of that client, or rather of a conversation with that client that is oc-
       curing. One of mvmcas's functions is keeping track of  how  many  occur-
       ances there are with each mail client.

       Remember  that  mvmcas is a "mail client assessment" server - it is con-
       cerned with making a judgments about the incoming email, and the partic-
       ipants in the sending of it. There can be different pieces  involved  in
       the  assessment. One piece is the server that has connected to the local
       MTA. That server might have its own reputation. But that server  may  be
       just one of many that is used by the sender - and while repution of each
       sending  server  is  significant, so is the the reputation of the sender
       that uses it. We may wish to use other entities as proxies for the send-
       ing system- e.g. perhaps looking at the set of  sending  servers  (or  a
       subset  thereof)  can be used as a proxy for the specific system that is
       connecting to us. And likewise if the responsible  domain  name  for  an
       email  message being sent can be ascertained, the assessment of that do-
       main name can also be used.

       Most, if not all, files used by mvmcas and referred to in this man  page
       are  in  a  control  directory whose location is specified in the mvmcas
       source code. The default location as of this writing is


       Within this directory are the configuration file and any database files.

       mvmcas listens for messages using interfaces specified in its configura-
       tion file (see CONFIGURATION FILE) and on the mvmcas command line.  Each
       message is a block of text that begins with an  instruction  word.  That
       word,  thought of as a command, is followed by any arguments to the com-

       Communication with mvmcas does not not strictly follow  a  client/server
       relationship.  The agent (i.e. the mvmcas client) sends messages to mvm-
       cas, and mvmcas sends messages to agents. Often  the  messages  sent  by
       mvmcas  are  triggered by the messages received by the agent, making the
       communication look client/server-ish. mvmcas can  send  messages  to  an
       agent  in  other  cases,  such as noting a change to an mclient that the
       agent is known to be handling. For example, if  a  client's  interaction
       with one agent behaves in a way that it becomes blocked, an info message
       to  that  effect,  about that client, may be sent to all agents that are
       communicating with it.  Some commands from agents will cause  mvmcas  to
       send a message back to the agent, a message that is essentially a reply.
       Other commands do not.

       Some commands are for agent support, i.e. agents are coded to send them.
       Others are for administration, perhaps used manually.

       Here's  a summary of the commands that mvmcas handles. More detailed in-
       formation is found in, for example, the PROTOCOL document. This is  just
       a synopsis to give an overview. Commands include:

       control name [value] -
              Set  or get the value of a control in the mvmcas program. This is
              an old idea that doesn't have much support.  name is the name  of
              the  control.  Controls are either integers or strings.  If there
              is no value given, the current value is returned. If there  is  a
              value,  it  is set, and a response is given indicating this. Cur-
              rently the only control value  is  greylisting-suppressed,  which
              can  have  a  value of 0 or 1. If set to 1, mvmcas will not apply
              greylisting or send  greylisting  information.  This  provides  a
              quick way to turn off greylisting.

       done - Says that the agent is done. All remembered relationships between
              this  agent  and  mail clients are removed. This is a synonym for

       hi [stuff] -
              Say hello. mvmcas sends a "hi" back. This is essentially a  ping,
              showing  that mvmcas is listening and responding on the interface
              the message is sent to. Any "stuff" given is returned in the  re-
              ply  in some way.  "hi" is the default meaning of a message; if a
              blank message is received it's treated as a "hi."

       mclient-change mcname [updates] -
              apply changes, as specified in the structured updates portion  of
              the  message,  to a mail client's information. Mainly an adminis-
              trative function.

       mclient-delete mcname -
              delete an entry for a mail client. An administrative function.

       mclient-info mcname -
              return information about a mail client. An  administrative  func-

       mclient-replace mcname [updates] -
              replace mclient information - the information in the message com-
              pletely replaces the mclient data, using the "updates" portion of
              the  message,  rather  than  updating certain parts of it as with

       quit - Says that the agent is done. This is a synonym for "done"

       start mcname -
              Says that the agent sending the command has started communicating
              with the named mail client.  mvmcas will  send  notifications  to
              this agent whenever changes are made that affect the mail client.

       stats -
              returns some statistics about mvmcas.

       stop mcname [updates] -
              Indicates  that the agent's conversation with the mail client has
              ended. The agent may supply updates to the mail client, e.g. from
              what has happened during an SMTP session, as a structured  compo-
              nent per description in the PROTOCOL document. mvmcas will remove
              the  occurance  and will remove the association of the agent with
              the mail client.

       sync - to force an update to disk of the in-memory dynamic data. This is
              mainly relevant if a database using in-memory  storage  has  been
              selected.  mvmcas  will periodically rewrite such dynamic data in
              this situation, but the sync command can be used to make it  hap-
              pen sooner.

       update mcname [updates] -
              Applies  updates to the named mail client per the structured "up-
              dates" information in the message (see PROTOCOL). If  the  struc-
              tured  data includes a "STOP" term, this also acts as a STOP com-
              mand. Likewise, if it includes "QUIT" it acts as QUIT.

       Agents can communicate with mvmcas using either udp  or  tcp  protocols.
       udp  is  the most likely since it involves less setup and overhead. With
       udp, in order to receive mvmcas messages the agent is expected  to  keep
       listening on the socket it used. There's a bit of a complication here in
       that  when udp is used, mvmcas can not easily tell if the agent is still
       listening, as opposed to tcp sessions where mvmcas will know when and if
       the connection is dropped.  For this reason,  mvmcas  will  periodically
       prune  its  knowledge  of  udp  agents if it hasn't heard from them in a
       while. agents are encouraged to specifically notify mvmcas if they  stop
       participlating,  e.g.  with  a  "quit" or "done" command or with quit or
       done attributes to other messages such as "stop."

       The configuration file, normally named mvmcas-rc and found in the mvmcas
       control directory, is simply a line-by-line specification of  parameters
       and  options.  Blank  lines and lines beginning with a "#" character are
       ignored. Other than that, each line begins with a  word  specifying  the
       parameter name. This is followed by any arguments.

       Parameters are:

       cache  type - Specifies which type of cache to use. The cache layer is a
              selectable module, of which one can be chosen. It was implemented
              as  a  selectable module mainly in order to let an alternative be
              implemented and tested while the original could  still  be  used,
              even  though  this process was meant to replace the original, and
              we still have a this  configuation  item  even  though  only  one
              choice  may  be  available.  (Sort  of inspired by the selectable
              database module, where multiple choices are  likely  to  remain.)
              The  choices  are avl, which is the original implementation using
              in-memory AVL trees, and std, the replacement which uses C++  std
              library containers. The goal was to get rid of the avl module.

       database type -
              the database module to use.  The database is where client data is
              kept persistently.  As with the cache selection, different selec-
              table  modules  are  present and can be used depending on need or
              desire. The choices include avl, an in-memory database using  AVL
              trees;  std, an in-memory database using C++ std library contain-
              ers; and sqlite3, an SQL datbase using the sqlite3  engine.  Some
              discussion  of  these  choices appears in a later section of this
              man page.

       serve  protocol host - Listen (and serve) using protocol on host.   pro-
              tocol  is  either tcp or udp for, naturally, tcp or udp protocol.
              host is the name of the host to listen on, which must be  a  name
              that refers to an interface on the local system. ("localhost" for
              example.) The hostname may include a trailing colon and port name
              or  number to use, otherwise a default port number (perhaps 2830,
              but check the source code) is used.

              There can be multiple serve lines using  the  same  or  different
              protocols,  as long as there are no conflicts of hostname or port

       Discussion of the operation of the selectable databases.

   Text files
       The avl and std database modules keep data  in  memory  using  different
       techniques but operating similar ways. When mvmcas starts, it loads mail
       client  data into memory from text files and uses the data in memory for
       its operations. If data is changed, as is expected during normal  opera-
       tion,  the dynamic data is periodically rewritten and the data files ro-

       There are two subdirectories in the mvmcas control directory  that  con-
       tain text database files. These are

       dbu    for  user-supplied  data,  meaning data that loaded by mvmcas but
              never changed by it. All regular text files within this directory
              are loaded when mvmcas starts; and

       db     which has dynamic files created by and maintained by mvmcas. (The
              word "maintained" is used loosely-- they are periodically rewrit-
              ten from dynamic data kept in memory, as  stated  below.")  There
              are two files containing mail client data in this subdirectory:

            mctree_ip - mail clients that are named by IPv4 address, and

            mctree_auth  -  mail clients that are named by the name used to au-
            thenticate to the SMTP server.

            During its operation, mvmcas will periodically  rewrite  these  dy-
            namic  files  (in  db) after rotating them. "rotating" simply means
            renaming them to a small set of  numbered  versions,  resulting  in
            file names e.g.  like "mctree_ip.0" and "mctree_ip.1" and so forth.

       Mail  client files in the db and dbu subdirectories each contain zero or
       more mail client sections. The format of the mail client entries is  de-
       rived  from and is roughly equivalent to sections in the PROTOCOLS docu-
       ment. In the absence of better documentation (e.g. here  or  elsewhere),
       that pointer will have to do.

   sqlite3 database
       Using  an sqlite3 database, all data is stored on disk using the sqlite3
       database code. Database file(s) are contained in a sqlite3  subdirectory
       within the mvmcas control directory, and include:

       mclientsdb -
              an  sqlite3  database file containing mail client data. This file
              can be viewed and manipulated in various ways, including with the
              sqlite3 command line program.  mvmcas includes a  tool,  liteops,
              that  can  import data from and export data to text files such as
              used in the avl and std database modules.

       You can modify the sqlite3 database (using the sqlite3 command line pro-
       gram, for example), but be aware that sqlite3 does not support notifying
       a program of changes to its data, and so mvmcas will not be informed  of
       and will therefore will not notice changes to data that it may have tem-
       porarily  cached.  Changes  will  be better made using the adminstrative
       sorts of messages that  mvmcas  interprets  (e.g.   mclient-changee  and
       mclient-delete).  mvmcas  can also be restarted without too much disrup-
       tion to account for database changes

       More can and should be said about the sqlite3 database.

       liteops(1) - program to import and export  mvmcas  data  in  an  sqlite3
       database. -- the mvmf web site.
       PROTOCOL - the protocol document/memo.
       schemas.sql  -  contains sqlite3 schemas for the mclients (mail clients)
       table and any other things, such as hooks, needed by a sqlite3 database.

       M. Mallett  (    2006-2025

       You tell me..
