Moving update: 20250107
Currently fussing with this webpage area a bit. Much of the code base has changed but the web and manual pages have fallen behind. There may be a bunch of activity then another period of dormancy, because really, even at that point this area should have a lift up from last-century html.
Last updated: 20240506
Much has changed, including that the thing mentioned below was done a long time ago. As there was never a lot of general interest, this web area wasn't paid much attention to. I hope that will change in the not-too-far-off future. Meanwhile the download link has been disabled or restricted since the sources there are way too old to think about. We continue here with the decades-old text.
effort at the moment is being directed to putting the MFL language support into its own library with its own API. I believe this will allow development to be better focused on individual components as needed (e.g. a specific application or the MFL library) without impacting other components as much as when the MFL support is intertwined, code-wise, with other things in the package. The MFL component will become a separately downloaded and compiled library (much like mml). The mfl-ectomy is a bit complicated; I made one pass at it late last year but started again. The end is getting nearer; I am anxious to get this behind me so that I can focus on some pressing improvements in the mvmda and mvmtr applications.