mvmf: mvmf/mfl related documents

mvmf: mvmf/mfl related documents

NB: Most of this relates to SIEVE, even though the intent was to be broader. There's a lot more non-SIEVE reading that could be added (and probably SIEVE, for that matter).

  Here are some links to documents and reading material related to mvmf, mfl, email, filtering, and spam.


I/D: draft-crocker-spam-techconsider
Technical Considerations for Spam Control Mechanisms.

RFC 3865
A "No Soliciting" SMTP service extension.
Note: was once draft-malamud-no-soliciting

RFC 4095
Attaching meaning to Solicitation Class Keywords.

SIEVE documents and drafts

Check out also for pointers to documents and implementations.


RFC 5228
Foundation SIEVE document describing fundamental SIEVE constructs.
(Supersedes RFC 3028)

RFC 5231
Sieve extensions for relational operations.
(Supersedes RFC 3431)

RFC 5233
Sieve extensions for subaddresses.
(Supersedes RFC 3598)

RFC 5235
Spamtest and VirusTest Extensions
(Supersedes RFC 3685)

RFC 3894
Copying Without Side Effects

RFC 5293
SIEVE - Editheader Extension
Also see the older draft-degener-sieve-editheader and draft-sieve-editheader, which mvmf implementation followed (esp since "replaceheader" was removed from the later drafts and RFC)

RFC 5229
SIEVE - Variables Extension

RFC 5173
SIEVE - Body Extension

RFC 6785
SIEVE - Support for IMAP events

RFC 9042

RFC 5804
SIEVE - A protocol for remotely managing SIEVE scripts

RFC 5230
SIEVE - Vacation extension

RFC 5232
SIEVE - IMAP4flags extension

RFC 5435
SIEVE - extension for notifications

RFC 5703
SIEVE - MIME Part Tests, Iteration, Extraction, Replacement, and Enclosure

RFC 6609
SIEVE - Include extension

RFC 8580
SIEVE - delivering to special-use mailboxes

I/D: draft-murchison-sieve-regex
was eventually replaced by draft-ietf-sieve-regex

I/D: draft-ietf-sieve-regex
eventually expired

RFC 5429
SIEVE - Reject and extended reject extensions
Historical note
Old SIEVE site
This used to link to the old cyrusoft (dot com slash sieve) site.


There are many IMAP documents out there, and this is not a place to collect them. Links are here only for IMAP information that is recent or may be of special relevance to filtering.

I/D: draft-melnikov-imap-keywords


RFC 3834
Recommendations for Automatic Responses to Electronic Mail
(was draft-moore-auto-email-response)

This document

Created: 20031021
Last edit: 20250109